Köln, Essen and Kiel? Everyone gets glamorous!

It was worth making over 1.500 kilometres within four days to “Get Glamorous” in Köln, Essen and Kiel!

Midnight shoppings in AppelrathCüpper were as always full of FASHION and POSITIVE ENERGY!

This week you can join us in Frankfurt!

11.04.2014, 8.00 p.m. – AppelrathCüpper Frankfurt http://www.appelrath.com/news-events/detailansicht/article/midnight-shopping-in-frankfurt/

Germany here we come: Get Glamorous Tour 2014

Frankfurt, Mannheim, Münster, Bonn, Kiel, Köln, Essen, Düsseldorf  – these are the next stops on our „Get Glamorous“ map!  For the next four weeks we will be visiting AppelrathCüpper stores all over Germany!

Join us and together with our expert, Violetta Vio, find the perfect outfits for the spring/summer season!

It´s going to be a fabulous time!

To find out more about the events plan, go to:
