Photos Vaiva Hawkins
Styling Violetta Vio
Hair & Makeup Kim Keusen
Model Josephine Paulenz (SEEDS Management)
All clothes available in Shop F95
Photos Vaiva Hawkins
Styling Violetta Vio
Hair & Makeup Kim Keusen
Model Josephine Paulenz (SEEDS Management)
All clothes available in Shop F95
DND Styling took part in „Designmeile“ in a fashionable way! Our Styling and Make-up Lounge at Sir F.K.Savigny Hotel was a PLACE TO BE. Exclusive styling advice, make-up tips from an expert, cozy atmosphere, champagne and lots of sweets – who could have missed it?
Our preparations went smoothly. It couldn´t be different since we got great help from Sir F.K.Savigny Hotel team. Thank you guys!
We didn´t expect so many women looking for a styling and make-up advice. Violetta Vio was in her element! We are sure that her suggestions made our guests feel more confident and beautiful.
Tips from make-up artist Jula Hoepfner were much appreciated. We enjoyed seeing women leaving with big smiles.
Bibi Bachtadze´s collection of beautiful dresses brought lots of attention.
We welcomed our friends and fashion lovers with a pleasure. Fahri Yardim also fell in love with DND Styling:)
We definitely wouldn´t be able to arrange this event without the help of our sponsors. Rausch Schokoladen made these days really sweet. We wish something was left! John Paul Mitchell System provided us with brilliant hair sprays – we wouldn’t be surprised if hair spray becomes a hit of this month in Berlin. MAC Cosmetics made our event as stylish as it gets. All women were delighted! We also received a great support from Berlin Projekt.
A big “THANK YOU” to all the sponsors from the whole DND Styling team!
These pictures simply make us proud!
After a weekend like this, we don´t need any rest. We just want more!:)
A spot appears!
I have discovered an inexpensive but effective treatment that works really well.
Essence (available at most large chemists) have brought out a product called ‚SOS Spot Killer‘ which does exactly what the name says. Shake the bottle and apply a small amount with the brush on the offending spot! Best to use at night or when alone at home as it is bright white on your skin. You can combine it with your daily skin care routine.
Keep your skin smiling,