Hollywood Reporter Award for Sibel Kekilli

Our star Sibel Kekilli receives the „HOLLYWOOD REPORTER AWARD“ for an exceptional work in the international movie- and television industry.

Resource: http://www.cologne-conference.de/?id=117

More infos: http://www.wasted-management.de/news/

Congratulations Sibel for the well-deserved price!!!

Green Superfoods!

Vegetable Juices & Leafy Green Juices.                                                                           Juices are a great source of minerals and vitamins, high quality amino acids & antioxidants. Green, green, green, we can´t get enough of it!

Popular ingredient:

cucumber, celery, lettuce, spinach, wheatgrass, avocado, banana, blueberries, ginger and many more… Whatever you want in a blander add water, juice or coconut water!

You can find more information here:

http://gruenesmoothies.de                                                         http://www.gruenesmoothies.org                                  http://simplegreensmoothies.com/about

My friend Natali who has a lovely food blog created this Green Smoothie with wild herbs, avocado, banana, blueberries, lemon and mint.


Keep your skin smiling!






Isabel Kammermeier


Sibel Kekilli: „Vio ist die erste Stylistin…

… bei der ich mich richtig wohlfüle”. That´s how SIbel describes her work with Violetta Vio in the latest „Grazia“ magazin.

We could say the same about Sibel: Working with her is a unique fashion advanture which gives us a great satisfaction! What else can we say? We simply love Sibel:)

Resource: Grazia, nr 36, 29.08.2013, Styling by Grazia´s fashion editors and Violetta Vio (DND Styling)

The photo shooting for this interview was amazing! We were delighted to be part of it! And here is our favorite „making of“ picture from this day:

Resource: Vio´s Iphone:)

Interview with SIbel immidiately drew attantion of the other newspapers and portals:

Resource: http://www.gala.de/beauty-fashion/fashionfeed/sibel-kekilli-ich-bin-keine-trendsetterin_977819.html

Resource: http://www.extremnews.com/nachrichten/medien/dcc01487b6c4a80

Resource: http://www.klatsch-tratsch.de/2013/08/28/sibel-kekilli-eine-fashionista-werde-ich-garantiert-nicht/175846

Resource: http://www.loomee-tv.de/2013/08/sibel-kekilli-wird-keine-fashionista-mehr-85647/