Łukasz Piszczek made a stylish appearance in one of the most popular polish TV shows.
Jeans: Prps
Shoes: Louis Vuitton
All pictures from: http://kuba.tvn.pl/zdjecia/lukasz-piszczek-i-sylwia-grzeszczak,33603.html
Łukasz Piszczek made a stylish appearance in one of the most popular polish TV shows.
Jeans: Prps
Shoes: Louis Vuitton
All pictures from: http://kuba.tvn.pl/zdjecia/lukasz-piszczek-i-sylwia-grzeszczak,33603.html
Cashmere sweater: C’est Tout Berlin, http://www.cesttout.de
Trousers: Carven, http://schwarzhogerzeil.de
Bike: Prêt-à-vélo, Berlin , http://www.pret-a-velo.de
Picture: Nela König, http://www.nelakoenig.com
Boots: Isabel Marant, http://schwarzhogerzeil.de, http://www.isabelmarant.com
Shorts & Sweater: H & M
Dress & Sandals: Isabel Marant, http://schwarzhogerzeil.de, http://www.isabelmarant.com
Picture by GREAME
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