„Paula kommt“

Our latest styling project is full of heat and sex appeal!

Paula Lambert in the second season of her TV show charms the audience in a seductive way!

Watch „Paula kommt“ at 22.30 every Friday at Sixx TV.

Check one of the episodes here.

Resource: http://www.sixx.de/tv/paula-kommt

Styling by Violetta Vio

Make up by Patricia Makosch

BAMBI GALA: Sara Nuru among the best looks from the red carpet!

Sara Nuru in Dawid Tomaszewski´s dress looked astonishing at the BAMBI Gala.

We are happy to receive such a positive feedback also from the press!

„Model Sara Nuru hat ein auffälliges Kleid gewählt.“

Resource: http://www.ruhrnachrichten.de/unterhaltung/bilder/cme144314,4233813

Resource: http://www.lesmads.de/fotos/1384527679_129156_bambi_2013_looks_07

„Wunderschön hingegen zwei Models: Sara Nuru in einem romantischen, bodenlangen Kleid von Dawid Tomaszewski und Eva Padberg in einer schwarz-blauen Materialmix-Kombination.“

Resource: http://www.styleranking.de/news/fashion-news/bambi-2013-dressed-to-impress-lange-abendkleider-roter-teppich-gewinner-90452069