We would like to welcome you to the unique world of food and fashion!
In the new section “Taste of fashion”, Daniela Kögler will take you for an exciting journey where style and cuisine interact and complete each other.
Photo by Ulrich Wolf
Daniela loves creative cuisine. In her opinion, the food always says something about the person who is eating it. If you eat the same every day, your stomach will feel full, but your spirit will still be empty.

Her first book ‚Good Morning Dornröschen‘ (Good Morning Sleeping Beauty) is s a kind of a modern fairy tale. ‚Of course I want to be a princess. Every woman does. But I don´t want to sit alone in my castle for the whole day just to look nice and feel save.‘ So from one day to another, Daniela decides to move from Bavaria (Germany) to Beijing (China) and work there as a model. That was an experience that she will never forget. To be in a foreign country so different to Europe. In her opinion, that is exactly what you need to do to clear your mind. However, she doesn’t want to stay a full time model and decides to go back to Germany..
Few years later, Daniela receives another job offer in Hong Kong. This time as a project manager. She takes the chance and moves to Asia again.
People always keep asking her, why she was never afraid: ‚Fear just keeps you from all the exciting and great experiences. Being open for the new cultures will push you forward and open your mind.‘
Currently, Daniela lives in Germany (Berlin) and studies Fashion-Management. She does not like the German food at all. Luckily in Berlin she can get almost every food that she knows from Asia. This allows her to make small culinary and fashionable journeys here.
Follow her and the maxim: ‚Stay hungry for life. Cause you should never have enough of it.”