Patricia Urquiola

Today I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite Spanish designers: Patricia Urquiola.

She became known for a fabulous couch  „Antibodi“ and an armchair „Smock“, which is considered to be a furniture icon of the 21st century.

Patricia´s collections are characterized by her distinctive feminine style.


My favorite piece of Patricia´s outdoor collection for B&B Italia: The Crinoline chair.

  by Mo Goshtasb

DND Beauty

I am happy to introduce our new section DND Beauty run by an expert in this area: Isabel Kammermeier.

Isabel has been a beauty specialist for over 25 years. She works with all major cosmetic brands for facial care and other treatments.

IN DND Beauty, Isabel will share her knowledge and experience with you. She will write about the assessment of your skin type and help you to work out a daily regimen that suits your needs.  Isabel uses a holistic approach and will also offer dietary advice, which is known to have a major influence on the appearance of your skin.

 Beauty is not only her profession, it’s her passion.

Back to school

Since Monday everybody and everything is back to daily life here in Sweden. School has started and the holidays are officially over.

Also for one of my girls school routine has started again and we discovered once again how fast kids are growing over the summertime. Is that because of the sun?:)

Well, no matter why, we need to buy new clothes for the little one.

How to kiss a frog” is a Stockholm based brand that designs wonderful children clothes.

The prices are reasonable, maybe not for a day in the mud and rain, but there are always occasions when the small ladies want to dress up. Both of my girls really like to wear their clothes, at least as far as a 5 months old baby can decide on that ;-)


I really love the campaign: they always put a lot of love in the pictures and the set up.So I­­ am pretty sure we will find some nice dresses and blouses in the new collection. The Christmas dresses also look very nice. However, that seems still so far away.

I heard that you have a real heat wave in Germany, so enjoy the warm sunny weather and have a great week everyone.

Love from Stockholm,


The art of accessories

Every time I am preparing an outfit, no matter if it is for music video, red carpet event or photo shooting, I have to answer one vital question:

„Which accessories should I pick?“

I am really glad that jewelry designers like Sabrina Dehoff make my choice much easier.

I have been admiring Sabrina´s work for years. In my last shooting I used some of the accessories from Spring/Summer 2012 collection, which is full of joyful colors. You can see the effect in the Look of the week.

Here are my suggestions for the upcomming autumn: