Styling Academy in Wiesbaden


Last weekend DND Styling stood up for a new challenge! Violetta Vio, as a celebrity stylist expert, was asked to give tips to the lia sophia fashion advisors.

Violetta, together with two our stylists Nadine and Sophie, led the Styling Academy for more than three hundred people!

More pics coming soon!

DND Styling for Luca Vasta!

Have you already heard any song by Luca Vasta? It´s a high time to do this! Luca Vasta is a new upcoming star conquering music stages all over the world.

DND Styling had a pleasure to work with Luca on her new music video. Here few pictures from the set.

Check out last hit from Luca´s repertoire – „Cut my hair“. Enjoy!


Vogue Dinner

Enjoying Fashion Week with Sibel Kekilli:)

Vogue Dinner at the Borchardt Restaurant Berlin.

Vogue: „Bei der Mercedes-Benz & VOGUE Fashion Night treffen sich die Impulsgeber der deutschen Modewelt.“
