Pimp up your look!

My favorite part of the dressing up is when you get to choose accessories that will finalize
your outfit. It’s incredible how an add-on or a touch of makeup can highlight a dress, or a

I do wear a lot of black and my favorite piece of clothing are dresses, in fact I have a lot of black dresses and I can’t stop buying more.

As Christmas holidays are coming so soon, I have been looking for accessories that would embellish a simple black dress. Since it’s Christmas time you can really go for the glitter – gold touches.

I found 5 accessories that can pimp up your outfit and make you look fabulous.

The first one is a clutch bag, great for New Year’s Eve. It’s small and it doesn’t take too
much space. I found an interesting four fingers clutch bag type.

Resource: http://bit.ly/UaVaex

I adore the Alexander Mc Queen bag,it really looks like a piece of art! It makes an outfit and at the same time dresses your hands!

I’m very sensitive about the esthetic side of an end product. Just like accessories can pimp up our outfit, the packaging can dramatically change the product. Paul&Joe lipstick from the limited edition is a great example. I really love its pattern and the pink shade.

Resource: http://www.paul-joe-beaute.com/fr/creation/12au/new_lip.html

Resource: http://bit.ly/Po09sU

Great for New Year’s Eve party!!!

Another way to decorate a basic dress or a top is a big necklace. Marni presents a perfect
collar for a festive time. I find it very interesting because it’s made from different materials
and it’s got a Christmassy accent.

Resource: http://bit.ly/UDqpiR

A hat doesn’t suit everybody but for those who like it I found a feminine and a delicate one
from Clipperton Fedora. It will keep you stylish during winter days and nights out.

Resource: http://bit.ly/ST9IjI
Resource: http://bit.ly/ZjyeQj
Finally, as a fan and (collector) of nail polish, there is no way I can go out without painting
my nails. I kept the best accessory for the end!!!

O.P.I 18k gold nail polish for the James Bond Collection is incredible!!! It’s ridiculously bling
bling but I can’t help to like it!

Resource: http://bit.ly/OgxsdN

Have a great weekend!

